10 Effective Ways to Increase Conversion Rate


Every online store owner talks about conversion. What is conversion anyway? Most reply with one word – sales. Well, conversion is a lot more than sales. It means getting the visitor to perform the desired action. The desired action could be subscribing to a newsletter, completing a purchase, sharing a blog post, or even uploading a review.

Nevertheless, online store owners and marketers use both terms interchangeably. For the purpose of this guide, conversions mean sales. Our focus will be on how to improve conversions.

An Old Perspective of Increasing Conversions

Previously, people equated conversions with website traffic. In other words, the higher the website traffic, the better the conversions. Most conversion efforts are centered around search engine optimization and social media marketing campaigns. However, marketers soon realized that there is very little positive correlation between the two. Website traffic is not a good determinant of conversions. Let’s review the top tips to ensure your website visits lead to sales.

10 Best Ways to Improve Conversions

1. Make Searching Easier

Research shows that visitors close a website because they can’t find the product they are looking for, leaving them frustrated. Suppose you are at a supermarket looking to buy maple syrup. You will get angry and annoyed if you can’t find it anywhere. The next thing you are most likely to do is to seek help from a salesperson. In the online context, people don’t have the patience to seek help from your chatbot or a customer support representative. They will click the ‘X’ button and proceed to the next website. Therefore, making searching easier. Enable features like auto-complete search and faceted search.

2. Market the Products

The second strategy is to market your products as much as possible. Make sure that the images are of top quality and zoomable. Research shows prospective customers prefer to buy products with videos for them to watch as it helps them view the product in detail. Don’t forget the importance of customer reviews. A good strategy is to incentivize customers to leave user-generated content and reviews. For instance, you can offer them discounts in exchange for a review. Lastly, opt for up and cross-selling. Whenever a customer purchases a product, send them a follow-up email with suggested products.

3. Compelling C.T.A.s

Every webpage should have at least one call to action (C.T.A.) button. It must be visible, and customers must have no doubt about what happens when they click the button. A good example of a C.T.A. is ‘Add to Basket’ or ‘Proceed to Checkout.’ A poor example of a C.T.A. is ‘Click Now’ or ‘Check Out.’ These C.T.A.s don’t communicate what will happen after clicking on the button.

4. Offer Multiple Payment Options

Another way to increase conversions is to offer multiple payment options. One of the primary reasons online store owners prefer Magento is that it easily integrates with countless payment providers. Having multiple payment options also improves the checkout process. When customers see their desired payment option, they will likely complete the checkout process more easily.

5. Multiple Shipping Options

Having multiple shipping options today is vital as it offers multiple benefits to the business owner and the customer. As a business owner, you can save considerable costs if you are partnered with local shippers and big players. For example, you will pay less if you use a local shipper. How? Local shippers don’t face the same expenses as big players. Their marketing initiatives cost a lot less than a major player. They don’t have to worry about maintaining a large fleet or other overheads.Your customer will receive customers quickly, i.e. either on the scheduled date or earlier. It will improve the user experience and prompt them to shop at your store again. If you opt for a handful of shippers, a labour strike or any other issue can disrupt delivery, leading to poor customer experience.

6. Personalize

Another way to improve conversions is to personalize the website experience for your customers. Although website owners and markets no longer have access to third-party cookies, much is still to be used. All it requires is an effective strategy. You should create detailed customer segments and develop detailed marketing strategies for each. It will help you improve the customer experience, eventually leading to more conversions.

7. Improve Loading Times

Another thing that you must focus on is the website’s loading time. If your website takes longer than three seconds to load, visitors will simply close the website and proceed to another one. As internet speeds improve globally, the demand for faster loading times will only increase. So, remove redundant codes, optimize images, and get a better hosting provider.

8. Mobile Friendly Website

If your website is not mobile-friendly in 2022, your business will not survive long. Therefore, opt for a mobile-friendly website. The reason is that most traffic comes from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. So, a mobile-friendly website increases the chances of conversions. Lastly, mobile friendliness is a critical factor in search engine ranking. If your website is mobile-friendly, it will boost your rankings.

9. Keep the Checkout Process Simple

Don’t overcomplicate the checkout process. We recommend keeping it straightforward. Over the years, a 1-click checkout process has gained quite prominence. Therefore, try to shift toward a 1-click checkout process. Also, we suggest letting users buy products without signing up for your website.

10. Use Price Promotions

The last step is to use price promotions. You should know how and when to use price promotions. United Sol recommends against overusing price discounts to increase conversions and attract customers. The reason is that it can set wrong expectations, which can be challenging to meet. Also, it reduces profitability.


United Sol can help improve your store’s conversion rate. We utilize the latest technologies and best practices to ensure your store is in line with the latest trends. It helps attract customers and improve brand recognition. For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank You.